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TOKI is a singer-songwriter who has an American father and a Japanese mother and grew up learning from homeschooling, a homeschooling education that does not go to school.
He started playing the guitar in his early teens, and when he was 19 years old, he had his own original CD and sang with sales as a hitchhiking trip through Japan.
After that, he practiced a cross-American hitchhiking trip.
Knowing the preciousness of diversity through encounters on trips, etc., a free sense and a relaxed singing voice that is not bound by preconceived ideas
It resonates comfortably and gives me a mysterious sensation that relaxes my shoulders.
A premium live concert after the "new form of education in the future" from the perspective of that way of life
Live delivery from "Rice Cafe Kyuichi", which is popular for its cute appearance and relaxing meals, right in front of the sea in Iwaki City, Fukushima Prefecture.