f:勝島 啓's Live

勝島 啓 @f:100002161126524
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亜流傍系の 笛吹きです。

出かけるときは、一人旅が多く、 プチ放浪癖があります。
色々な表情を見せる‘京都の街’が好きですが、 古い佇まいのある場所での街歩きも好きです。

I like them flutist collateral.
The Takayama Wind Orchestra playing the piccolo, mainly from the university ensembles will play mostly alto flute.
I also like teaching in a local junior high school brass band.

The whole vehicle "rides" like.
When they go, many traveling alone, there are petit dromomania.
Show various expressions 'the city of Kyoto' is like, I like to walk around in place of the old atmosphere.
Earn and stress, without considering the consequences, will out.

(However, the English translation made by Google.)