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Shiki-Live @ GOTSU.NET Studio #14QUARTVIO』

시청 기한: 구매 후 7일간

아카이브 (1건)

Shiki-Live @ GOTSU.NET Studio #14『QUARTVIO』

Cast: Yuichiro Goto (Violin) Asami Tamura (Violin) Kayako Katano (Violin) Kiyomi Sugiura (Violin)

In 2023, I will focus on the quartet, and the first one will be a violin-only quartet for the first time in Shiki-Sounds!
Unlike a quartet with a rich range of viola and cello, the melodies and harmonies that are played by all four Violins as one. In this distribution, along with a wide selection of popular songs such as familiar movie music, pops, Japanese songs, and pop songs of my own creation , we will add a new violinist to the three familiar people, coloring it with a new sound image that is unparalleled.
Please listen to the TwitCasting Premier distribution, where you can watch the recording at your leisure even after the live distribution!

(Yuichiro Goto official website "GOTSU.NET"  gotsu.net)



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Shiki-Live @ GOTSU.NET Studio #14QUARTVIO』 1,000 엔(세금 포함)
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