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APOKALINANO! Acousitic show from the training camp with love

Expiration date: 7 days

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Three girls aiming to join Apocalippps started Apocalinano! with Elika Chang Baby. On August 12th, exactly two months after the debut, We will perform an acoustic live performance from the training camp where we headed to train towards our goal, and we hope we can show everyone our current abilities.

Erika chang baby
Momone Tsubaki
Nakano Yuma
Kamase Himari

Please enjoy the unusual show of 4 people!

guitar : Futakami Daishiro  twitter.com/Dee_pilgrim

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Live has already finished. Videos may be available, but please check the available period before purchase.
APOKALINANO! Acousitic show from the training camp with love 500 JPY(tax included)
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